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An Update to the British Ladder Standard BS:EN:131 and What You Need to Know

July 28th, 2021|Categories: News|

The standard has changed, and we want to summarise the key points to help prepare you and your business for the changes that are to come. British standards are never the most exciting of subjects and can strike fear when there are announced, but equally they are important when it comes to protecting you, your staff and your business and can often bring positive change. The changes that have been made to the ladder standard BS:EN:131 are big ones and you really cannot [...]

Horizon Launches New Lighting Catalogue

September 13th, 2019|Categories: News|

We are pleased to present our new lighting catalogue. Take a look for a selection of personal and portable lighting on display, perfect for lighting up scenes, search and rescue tasks and for appliances. Click here to view the Lighting Catalogue (PDF) For more information contact us on 01275 342 700 or View the Lighting Catalogue

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